A network for a new 4.0 model
The need to innovate the manufacturing system with a view to increasing its “intelligence” is becoming increasingly important, given the growth (especially at European level) of the Industry 4.0 paradigm, which aims to implement a fully automated and interconnected industrial production model. New digital technologies will have a profound impact on this process.
IMPROVENET is a network of companies and research organizations that want to face together this innovation path investing in information technologies.

Design, development and implementation of Digital Manufacturing solutions for Quality Prediction and Intelligent Maintenance

The VIR2EM project aims to use process, system and resource virtualization and remote operations tools in order to maximize the efficiency of production systems under normal operating conditions, maintain operations in case of emergency situations, facilitate the restart of operations downstream of emergency situations ensuring flexibility and predictive ability.

The project involves the development of an innovative production system that collects technical, chemical and material composition information from the different operating parts of 3D printers, the raw materials used and the materials that make up the finished products. It processes them in real time through specially developed algorithms.