The VIR2EM project (Virtualization and Remote operations for Resilient and Efficient Manufacturing, Virtualization and Remote operations for Efficient and Resilient Manufacturing) aims to use process virtualization tools, systems and resources and remote operations in order to:
1) maximizing the efficiency of production systems under normal operating conditions
2) maintain operations in case of emergency situations
3) facilitate the restart of operations downstream of emergency situations ensuring flexibility and predictive capacity
Virtualization tools are widely used in the context of Smart Manufacturing: the construction of “digital copies” of systems, processes and resources allows to carry out forecasting and optimization studies, without having to act directly on physical systems, and, through the Digital Twin, to implement without interruption the strategies so defined in the operations.
The project involves a strong collaboration between companies and the research sector: the University of Padua through the Department of Information Engineering, the University of Verona through the Department of Informatics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice through the Departments of Management and Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics.
All Departments have huge and extensive experience of collaboration with national and international companies, to guarantee their ability to transfer knowledge to the partnership on the advanced use of ICT technologies.
A Public Research Organization (t2i) with proved expertise in technology transfer activities to the business world is also involved. Moreover, the business partnership includes a large number of knowledge-intensive service providers (KIBS): beanTech, Qascom, Statwolf Data Science, Uquido, Xteam. In addition to these companies, there are leading companies in their production sector and with broad national and international visibility (Electrolux, Galdi, Sipa, Sperotto Rimar, Zamperla).
Against an eligible expenditure of € 2,999,993.75, the project will receive a contribution of € 1,925,751.88 and will have a duration of 24 months (from 10/09/2020 to 09/09/2022).