The Call finances industrial research and experimental development projects implemented by Clusters of companies in synergy with research bodies, in line with the thematic areas and development trajectories of the Regional Intelligent Specialisation Strategy (RIS3 Veneto).

Who can participate?
Following the Regional Law no. 13 of 30 May 2014, the Clusters of Companies consists of at least 3 enterprises. In addition, the participation of at least one research organisation is required.
Which projects can be submitted?
The projects must also be in line with the Regional Intelligent Specialisation Strategy (RIS3 Veneto), therefore oriented on the development trajectories provided by the four areas of specialization: Smart Agrifood, Sustainable Living, Smart Manufacturing and Creative Industries.
How much funding is possible to achieve?
The global funding is € 10,000,000 relating to the resources of the Development and Cohesion Fund (FSC), referred to in the CIPE Resolution (now CIPESS) n. 39/2020, and available as a result of the Agreement between the Veneto Region and the Minister for South and Territorial Cohesion of July 2020.
The funding will be granted in the form of a non-repayable grant to the Venetian companies grouped together and the research organisations participating in the project. The intensity of support varies according to the size and nature of the participant:
– 40% to Smes and research organisations;
– 20% to large companies.
The projects will have to be placed in a range of eligible expenditure ranging from € 150,000.00 to € 700,000.00, under which the expenditure falling into the following categories will be eligible for funding: “IPR and patents”, “Tools and equipment”, “Specialised consultancy and external scientific services”, “Staff”, “Expenditure on prototypes”, “Additional overheads and other operating costs”, “Expenditure on guarantees and the establishment of the Cluster”.
When can applications be submitted?
Applications may be submitted from 25 January 2022 and until 17.00 on 28 February 2022, through the Unified Information System of Unitary Programming (SIU) of the Region, whose dedicated page can be reached at the following link:
From the same page it is also possible to access the accreditation form for the request of the access credentials to the System.
See the Announcement page at this link