The Smart Factory Cluster of which IMPROVENET is partner has a webinar scheduled for September 20th in collaboration with Siemens.
During the event it will be possible to talk about simulation technologies, PLM and MOM/MES, real pillars of the factory of the future.
These technologies allow in fact to make the factory of the future more sustainable towards all its stakeholders, resilient and reconfigurable, allowing to integrate the supply chain and to interact with all the companies of the supply chain in an efficient way, effective and maximising economic value.

Siemens, world leader in these technologies, and recently become a pathfinder of the Smart Factory Cluster, will participate in the webinar, and there will be the testimonies of three interesting industrial experiences: AEC, Prima Industrie and Robopac.
The topics covered will be: Digital Twin Product, Digital Twin Process and Digital Twin Production Performance.
For more information click here.