Galdi designs and manufactures complete food paper packaging solutions. The company is predominantly present in the international market, exporting over 80% of its turnover abroad and having subsidiaries in Russia, North Africa and the United States.

With over 800 machines installed around the world, Galdi supports its customers by offering them technology, training and technical assistance services to help them achieve maximum production efficiency.

Food safety is one of the greatest strengths of Galdi solutions, which package products such as milk, eggs, water, fruit juices but also dry products such as flour and cereals. The acquisition of Artema Pack S.r.l. has completed the possible packaging solutions that Galdi can offer, including the engineering and optimization service of the production line, also managing the subsequent stages of the process.

The Galdi Company

What are the expectations of joining IMPROVENET?

Antonella Candiotto, CEO and President of the company tells us the reasons that led the company to join the Network.

We immediately believed in the project of the Regional Innovative Networks as a tool to support industrial development policies in industry 4.0 of the territory. The commitment to build an ecosystem of partners to share innovative technological projects with, is strategic.

Thanks to IMPROVENET, it is possible to establish a continuous cooperation with the network partners, which are universities, research centers, manufacturing companies. All of them can contribute to accelerate the process of mutual learning, raising the level of skills and improving the quality of the solutions adopted. The sharing of experiences also serves to spread knowledge and create greater value for all, even for those who did not participate directly in the project”.

What innovations is GALDI implementing within the VIR2EM Project?

The project involves the implementation of some enabling technologies, in addition to those already used by the company, both to allow the “dematerialization of products and services” and to make accessible the information and digital models developed, regardless of their geographical location.

The expected outputs are:

1. the realization of a Digital Twin of own products through the virtualization of the Engineering;

2. the remote and virtualization of after-sales services, through the implementation of a new IIot architecture and multimedia platforms for remote support;

3. artificial intelligence, to increase the part of predictive maintenance and anomaly detection.

With which other RIR partners are you collaborating on the project?

In order to realize the innovations described above, Galdi is collaborating with Statwolf (for the part related to artificial intelligence) and with the University of Verona (for the realization of the Digital Twin).

How do you see the company at the end of the project?

Galdi has always focused on people and innovation, the continuous updating of skills and the attractiveness of the best talents are essential to maintain and develop the competitiveness of the company.

Furthermore, the respect for environmental resources and the constant dialogue with the territory are important priorities for the company that for years has invested in environmental and social sustainability projects.

With the Project VIR2EM Galdi aims to become a Smart Factory, implementing the transformation of the company from a place of physical spaces to a virtual one, in which software platforms, products, services, projects and people are connected in synergy through a digital flow of information.

In addition, the project will enable the company to achieve quality and speed in product development and an improved after-sales support service for customers.

Antonella Candiotto, CEO & President

A second-generation entrepreneur, she became President and CEO of the family business, Galdi, in 2020. Oriented to innovation and growth, of the company and of people. She is stimulated by team work and by involving the team to overcome its limits.